31 Things I'm Grateful for in January
As part of my 2013 intentions, I am documenting 365 things I am grateful for this year. I plan to publish at list here at the end of each month.
- Taylor Swift and her amazing ability to write music. Our entire family loves her!
- A God who loves us more than we can imagine.
- Applebee's Carside to Go.
- A sister who has always vocalized her love for me.
- Sunday family naps.
- My husband's desire to provide for our family.
- Leggings.
- Blogging.
- Voice mails from my grandparents (it's almost a year old, but I don't ever plan to delete it).
- A king-size bed with clean sheets.
- Baby squeals.
- Stewart Adams for inventing Ibuprofen. We use it very sparingly, but it is a lifesaver when needed.
- Love letters from Eric found posted in the laundry room.
- Our video monitor, for saving us trips across the house to see if Roo is OK.
- Coupon codes and Ebates - I save so much money using them!
- My mom's thoughtfulness to save clothing from my childhood. It melts my heart when Rooney wears them now!
- Discovering that Eric has folded the laundry for me.
- Friends who lend books.
- That the stomach bug only stays for 24 hours.
- Parents who still provide for me, even when I don't ask.
- A husband who takes over for my baby duty when I'm not feeling well, and doesn't keep score.
- A husband who puts up with my obsession with Panera Bread.
- Being prepared financially to be able to buy random gifts for people.
- A fireplace to lay in front of on those 1-degree days.
- Sunshine coming in through the windows.
- Bob Goff's amazing faith as told in his book, Love Does.
- Our church family. Such a blessing!
- Being able to see friends who fly in from South Carolina for the week.
- My husband's hard work to create a pallet wall in our bedroom (post to come!).
- Access to clean water.
- Forgiveness from Eric when I forgot to do one of my weekly chores.
What are you grateful for this month?