August 2011: Top Posts and Commenters

August was such a crazy month for us. I can't believe it's over already. The good news is that it's time to look back at the top posts and commenters for the month! Be sure to catch up on these posts if you missed them the first time around. Who would have guessed our top post? ;) (This list excludes our Fairytale page and posts.)

Top Posts

  1. Oh, Baby!
  2. Dear Baby...
  3. Awkward and Awesome: Pregnancy Edition
  4. 12 Reasons We're Still Married
  5. How We Shared the News
  6. God's {Perfect} Timing
  7. Thoughts From an Expectant Father
  8. Over the Weekend: Aug. 19-21, 2011
  9. Last Night's Date
  10. To Save or to Spend?

Seriously! Thanks to everyone for all of the comments surrounding our baby. We are so thrilled to have a community of supporters that cares so much. We appreciate each and every one of you. We love reading all of your comments and they are often the topic of our conversations. Keep being awesome!

(I was having technical difficulties trying to pull the top commenters from August, so this month we are going to recognize the top commenters of all time.)

Top Commenters

Have a great September, peeps!

FunEric Williams1 Comment