A Date Night Adventure

Last Thursday we were pumped for our weekly date night. Kelsey had picked up some Mini Rolos from Target and we were going to catch up on our favorite TV shows (Modern Family & Parenthood) and eat popcorn. As I was rigging up my laptop to play through our TV, which we have done since we cut cable and DVR, the connection wasn't working. I'm guessing it's because the thunderbolt to HDMI cable that I have cost me less than $5 on Amazon. Lesson #43 in shopping online: You get what you pay for.

We were so looking forward to viewing our shows on our 42" TV in our living room. Whatever were we going to do?

I must have been influenced by my recent reading of Love Does by Bob Goff (audio version), because I know myself well enough to know I normally would have thrown a fit and complained about it all night.

But this time, I had an idea. A small caper. Not a big caper like the ones in Love Does, but for the circumstances it was pretty adventurous.

What's a caper? I'm glad you asked...

caper (noun): a frivolous, carefree episode or activity

I told Kelsey I had an idea. I then locked her in our walk-in closet so she could change into her pajamas and I could surprise her. And then, I rigged up this...


An intimate, make-shift fort where we could enjoy our date night.

We enjoyed Mini Rolos and popcorn, and snuggled while the Internet streamed us our favorite shows.

What I Learned From Our Date Night Caper

  • Find the opportunity in the struggle: When things aren't going your way, try to make the most of it despite the hurdles.
  • It's the little things: You don't have to get on a plane or visit Disney World to experience adventure. Each situation is what you make of it. If we keep our eyes open and our heart willing, we can create adventure in everyday life.
  • Adventures don't just happen: I can't remember a time when I had an adventure without first deciding to take action. Especially in my living room. Adventure requires us to at the very least to choose adventure.

If you're looking for a great book about adventure and putting your faith into action, I recommend Love Does By Bob Goff. Excellent read.

Have you been on any capers lately?