Month 1 of Full-Time Financial Coaching

August 29 was my last day of my previous job. So, I've essentially been a full-time financial coach for one month now. I've been thinking, and strategizing on this transition for at least a year. Big moves like this are worth taking the proportionate amount of time for the risks involved. And since there are two other humans in my household, there was greater weight to the decision. It's surprising how hard it is to prepare for such a big transition. From steady paycheck and benefits, to working for yourself (but not by yourself) and having to "earn" your own benefits. But, there is one factor I've left out and that's the work itself. The work is rewarding beyond any other work I've been apart of before, and on the flip side, there is pressure to provide.

The Work

I get to be apart of something big. I get to work with folks trying to change their lives and wanting to be the best they can be. And being part of that ride as a financial coach is an awesome thing.

Is the work easy? No.

But, I'm learning so much each and every day financially, spiritually, mentally, physically. It's been a whirlwind of a month and a lot of change for me and my family. There has been tons of sacrifice in one short month in our house. But, for me personally, I wouldn't change it.

Change can be really hard. Taking risks isn't always fun either, but looking back, I have no regrets (much like Tim Riggins in Friday Night Lights).

I knew the transition would require a huge amount of faith, and that's proven to be true. Humbling myself daily before God knowing that I cannot do this on my own, and praying for wisdom and guidance to do His will, not mine.

Why Financial Coaching Anyway?

It's been a passion of mine for years, but not completely from the nerdy spreadsheet tracking perspective that you might think. It comes from the heart of a family. My passion comes from the freedom we found when we decided to make intentional decisions with our money. (Details are on our debt-free story page)

As my friend and business partner Justin says "It's hard to be broke, and it's hard to be disciplined with money, so you might as well be disciplined." It's not worth the stress of not knowing where your money is going.

So, while there are numbers and budgets, and formulas to work through, it's more about a change of heart and perspective. I'm more concerned that people are living up to their potential and not letting their financial situation dictate the way they live their lives.

Certainly, there will be sacrifices to one level or another, but with a plan and vision you can begin to work your way toward your goals.

Of course, there are principles that need to be followed to create a solid foundation, and that's where financial coaching comes in. We help people break free from their financial worries in order to use their finances as a vehicle to make their dreams a reality.

If you want to know what financial coaching is about, and why we do what we do, pick up a copy of the Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly. It sums it all up nicely.


I've been asked a lot why I didn't just do the coaching on my own, instead of joining Justin with Strong Tower Consulting?

For starters, I recognize that there is power in numbers, and I believe in coaching in general. How can I be a coach, if first I'm not being coached, or experiencing coaching myself?

I've benefited greatly by teaming up with someone who's been down this road before and can help me get up to speed as quickly as possible. Oh, and this... 90% of new businesses fail... I'd rather not be in the majority of that statistic.

As a team we've been able to do some cool things that I don't think would have happened had we not done them together.

  • Re-branded and implemented a new web design at
  • Created a Trusted Financial Partner program (launching soon)
  • Started recording a podcast (launching soon)
  • Hosted an event alongside Erin Smith (Restoration Coaching), and another one scheduled in October.


Again, this is such a big transition for me personally. Simply from the logistics of working day-to-day and the job duties that come with independent work. It's been exhausting... but in a good way.

The hardest part of the transition has been seeing how Kelsey has handled the transition. She's been so incredibly supportive and I have to give her a public thank you for that. She's given up a lot to allow me to pursue my goals.

My faith has been deepened and I'm excited for what God has in store for me and those I get the privilege to work with.


So, that's what's been going on in month one of financial coaching. If you're looking for a good workout for your finances to whip them into shape, I'd love to help! I'm just an email away.

Have you taken a big leap of faith in the past? What did you learn after you did? How did it work out?



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