Over the Weekend: Sept. 23-25, 2011
We did an impromptu photo shoot of our good friends the Stoffas and their beloved animals: Kinnick the dog and Jack the horse. Her horse lives with a few roommates, so they were all there, too, for the sunset photo shoot.
Then we got real crazy and went to a late movie, something I thought we would never do again. Since Kels has been pregnant, we usually don't stay up past 9:30 p.m. We saw The Help, and if you get the chance, check it out. It was a great movie.
I helped my grandpa again as I did last Saturday, working on siding a house. It was a beautiful day to be outside swinging a hammer. Kels stayed around the house most of the day and then that evening we had a grill out with some friends. We were celebrating Doug and Jess as they have moved away and we never got the chance to throw a proper going away party.
We ventured north the the Chicken BBQ (in case you missed last night's post).
Then we came back to have supper with my other grandparents and a few family members.
How was everyone's weekend? Fall is upon us here in Iowa. Brisk is the word!