Winning the Battle Against Snail Mail

Getting the mail is NOT one of my favorite things to do. For some reason, Kelsey likes it, but since our mail-box is right on my way home I usually pick it up before pulling into the garage. I guess I really don’t like it because we typically don’t get anything worth getting excited about. Except when my Grandma sends me cards. They are the best!

My grandparents venture their way down from Iowa to Texas for the winter every year. And once or twice she’ll send a card with a note about how they are doing and what they are up to.

It’s my favorite thing to receive in the mail! Here’s one that my grandma sent to me once.


In case you can't read it, here's what it says...

Dear Eric,

We don't see robins in Texas. Right now the mocking birds are singing and are very busy starting their nesting. They are very pretty singers.

The shuffle (board) tournaments are over for us. In 2 or 3 weeks the Canadians will be going home. 5 to 6 weeks and we'll be coming. Aunt Wilma is on her way down.

Hope spring is soon in your area.

Have a Happy Birthday.

Grandpa & Grandma

So, imagine my delight when I saw this envelope in the pile of mail last week. It looks eerily similar to a card that my Grandma would send. So…. I did what I normally wouldn’t do with most mail…. I opened it.


And they got me. The satellite company fooled me.  They. Are. Good! Let’s look at how they pulled out all the stops to get me to open their mail.

The Colored Envelope

It looks just like a greeting card envelope and stands out from all the other business sized envelopes from all the other mail.

The Handwritten Font

I’ve seen this before and it hasn’t fooled me. I think it was the combo of the envelope and the return address label that led me to open it up.

The Return Address Label

Looks like all those free return address labels you get in the mail and definitely something Grandma would use.

The Offer


It’s football season. Which is why I started entertaining the thought of the $19.99 offer. But, then quickly realized I wouldn't get that unless I jumped in at the highest price point.

And once it was opened and realizing what it was, I felt abused. Seriously, the only way they can get people to open up their mail is to trick them into thinking it’s a card from someone they actually care about.

On the one hand, I applaud them for their trickery, but on the other hand, it sickens me to think about the millions of dollars they will make from this advertising campaign.

If satellite is in your budget, please don’t take offense. Just make sure you have a plan for your money and your priorities are in order. For us, we just don’t see the value in paying for TV at this stage in our life. Someday we will, just not now.

The bottom line is awareness. Awareness towards the messages we see everyday that try to knock us off our horse and rob us from gaining traction in our finances. Stay focused on your priorities!

Have you ever bought something and then felt bad about it later? Or even thought about buying something and then felt silly for even wanting it in the first place?

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