Introducing: the Words of Williams YouTube Channel

OK, we're only eight years late to the game. According to Google, YouTube was founded in February 2005. Regardless, we're getting in the game. Can I get a drum roll, please? There is now an official Words of Williams YouTube channel. YouTube Channel

The survey we posted few weeks ago asked what formats you would like to see more money/budgeting information, and videos led the way. So, even though we both feel more comfortable behind a keyboard rather than a camera, we're giving it a go. We've started to document our money story from the first time we realized what money was to what we know today (it's been a wild ride). We spent an evening shooting and came up with five videos to start with. They will be posted in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

How You Can Get Involved

  1. Leave a message: We'd love your help! If you haven't noticed, we added a little button to our site that allows you easy access to us. You can click the button, record a question you have and we'll try to answer it via a blog post, video post, or both. Specifically, we are looking for money and budget related questions you have.
  2. Send an email: Maybe you don't feel comfortable sending us a voice message. No problem. Send us an email ( or

So, today we'd like to share with you a short video with some outtakes from the first shoot we did, and give you a look at the sweet intro we had made via Fiverr.

YouTube Channel - Words of Williams

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 Just curious, what's your favorite YouTube channel? (You can't say ours. We've only posted 45 seconds worth of videos ;))