Rooney in Carts / 05 (Hy-Vee Edition)
It's crazy for me to think that just two years ago I used to throw a fit when Eric wanted to go to Hy-Vee. We were shopping at Dahl's (another local grocery store) most of the time because it was on the way home from our work. I went to Dahl's a couple weeks ago because it's within biking distance (can't wait for the new Hy-Vee to open in August!) and was amazed at what a sad little store it is. Their organic produce section is basically nonexistent. I bought three things: bananas, avocados and pita chips. Which worked out OK because I couldn't carry much more in my bike basket.
Anyway. I have fallen in love with Hy-Vee now for many reasons. They are so friendly. The customer service is great (a couple times I've had bad bananas and they've given me a free bunch the next time I come in). They have stocked two things I've requested (Krema peanut butter and Van's Ancient Grain frozen waffles) without any questions. It's also on the way home from my new job, so that's a plus. And, Rooney loves their shopping carts :)